"Contemporary theology has lost the sense of the esoteric", wrote Rev. Prof. Wincenty Myszor, author of the articles included in this volume. This bold claim is not an expression of simple frustration on the part of the modern theologian. The attentive reader will find that it is the result of deep reflection. In it can be detected a wisdom that conceals itself before those who found, and find, the value of the esoteric only in a revealed truth. Such was the counsel of Wincenty Myszor, who made for himself a lasting place in the history of Polish patristics and Coptic studies, a master in the research on Gnosticism, and translator of Adversus Haereses of Irenaeus of Lyons, the Gnostic Gospel of Judas, and many other works of the library of Nag Hammadi.
- From the Editor, 7
- Wincenty Myszor. A Christian Scholar of Gnosticism, 11
- On the trail of secret knowledge (1988), 15
- The Importance of Nag Hammadi Texts in the Study of Early Christianity (1992), 45
- Gnosis as a theology development factor (1998), 51
- Christology of Gnostics - major issues (2000), 67
- Hie teaching on sin in the works of Gnostics (1999), 77
- Ekklesia and ‘church’ as understood by Gnostics of the second and third century (2004), 91
- Esoterism of Gnostics (2009), 103
- Eucharist in Docetism and Gnosticism (1987), 113
- Apostle Paul as a teacher of Gnostics? (2009), 119
- The Gospels of Gnostics and the Gospel of the Church (2016), 131
- The Creator of the World and Satan in the Works of Gnostics (2000), 143
- Gnostic prayers (1981), 157
- Gnostic motivation for asceticism and fighting evil (1997), 167
- Abbreviations, 175
- Bibliography, 180
- List of original publications, 194
- Studies by W. Myszor in StAC.SN 11, 194
- Studies by W. Myszor in StAC.SN 17, 195